Friday, December 1, 2017

Two truths and one lie.

One of my favorite things in life is driving different types of cars. But being a woman, it would seem kind of weird because people think this is a boy thing. I think I got this peculiar taste because I grew up surrounded by brothers. I remember spending entire afternoons playing with their hot-weels and I really enjoyed a lot. When I was older the first thing I did was took all of my savings, and I bought my first car, a Ford Explorer. I was really excited and I felt like I was free to go everywhere I want. I really was into that car.Time passed and I bought other cars that I liked, but I'm hopping one day, I could get my favorite car, a Ford Mustang. 

When I was nineteen, I had the opportunity to work as an extra in the resident evil movie. It was filmed in "La laguna salada" in México. My character was a zombie. For an entire week I almost spent the day and night all covered in mud with my ripped clothes, and making strange noises in every scene. It was so entertaining since I've always been interested in acting. Actually I think all the people participating in movies especially the actors really have fun when the are filming a movie. Hopefully I could have an experience like this once again. Maybe, I don't know one day I'll be killing zombies next to Milla Jovovich.

I want to become a nurse one day, I chose this career because I want to spend my life helping others using skills that blend scientific knowledge with compassion and caring. I think there are few professions that offer such a rewarding combination of high tech and high touch. I have a bachelor's degree in business administration, but after some time I realized that my real passion is nursing. It will be even more difficult because I come from another country, and I am constantly pushing myself to improve my English. But I also know that there is nothing impossible. 

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