Friday, December 8, 2017

Table of Contents

Five Favorite Taco Stands in Mexicali

Three Things You Probably Didn't Know About Me

The Assassination of President Kennedy:
Fifty Years of Conspiracy

Definition of Love

Should We Legalize Mota?

Motorcycle Ride on the Sea of a Tranquility:
 Most Valuable Part

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Should We Legalize Mota?

Marijuana is a drug like alcohol, cocaine, or ecstasy. And like these other drugs, it has side effects that can be destructive. Marijuana is one of the most abused drugs in the world. Some people think that since it is legal in some places, it must be safe. But your body doesn’t know a legal drug from an illegal drug. It only knows the effect the drug creates once you have taken it. Contrary to the claims that legalizing it will reduce crime, in Amsterdam it’s been found that crime is now centering around the coffeehouses where marijuana is sold. I don’t agree with legalizing marijuana because it's bad enough that we already lose so many people to cigarettes, alcoholism, and drunken driving
Marijuana comes from the Indian hemp plant, and the part that contains the “drug” is found primarily in the flowers and much less in the seeds, leaves, and stems of the plant. Marijuana, when sold, is a mixture of dried out leaves, stems, flowers and seeds of the hemp plant. It is usually green, brown or gray in color. The chemical that causes intoxication or the “high” in users is called THC (short for tetrahydrocannabinol). THC creates the mind-altering effect that classifies marijuana as a “drug.” Plants, like animals, have traits that protect them in the wild. Plants can have colors or patterns that camouflage them from predators, or they can contain poisons or toxins that, when eaten, make animals sick or alter their mental capacity, putting them at risk in the wild. THC is the protective mechanism of the marijuana plant. Recent studies on young adults that smoke marijuana, found abnormalities in the brain related to emotion, motivation and decision-making.
I just consider two possible strong reasons to legalize mota, the first one is that many large illegal cannabis operations are run by gangs and cartels, who often also participate in other unlawful activities such as murder. As long as the cannabis is illegal, the illegal cannabis market is allowed to flourish. Legalizing cannabis will take money spent on the drug from the wrong hands.  And the second reason is that it can increase the tax income. If cannabis is sold and regulated by the state, then all cannabis sales will likely be taxed. This new and highly profitable taxable substance can potentially provide a much needed boost to the economy.
In my opinion most marijuana use today is not for medical reasons. More typically, marijuana is used with the intention of “getting high”. Legalizing recreational marijuana use would hurt not only those who smoke, it also hurts children and society and there is no a powerful reason to consider that it would be a good idea.

Definition of Love

By the end of September we were writing Definition Group Essays. This is what we wrote about true love converted into a Movie Defintion Support Paragraph.
True love is a really strong feeling for other person; but is not just for couples, true love can be expressed in different ways .For example the love for your family, love for your couple and many more types. When you really love someone you don’t want to stay only one night, you want to stay forever. In every movie we watch true love is about protecting each other even in hard circumstances.
      I think the most important scene in “Ghost movie” is when they are sharing a final kiss at end of the movie; because even when they are realizing that it is his time to go to heaven, they know that their love will be forever. This movie is about true love that last eternally because he is always trying to protect his girlfriend even when he is a ghost, and even when they are not together, they still loving each other, “When you are dead, it’s over; but when you are loved, it’s forever. We think that the love that a child have towards his / her parents and the parents to their kids is the most pure type of true love. In the movie “Under the Same Moon” Rosario makes a difficult decision to leave her little son with his grandmother and cross the border illegally. This sacrifice was for the sole purpose of giving her son a better life from the United States. The true love of a son is not compared to any other love. There are so many ways to describe the true love of a son because is pure love. With the saga of all the ‘‘Fast and Furious’’ you can see many different meanings of True Love. First of all, the main examples are their love and loyalty to their friends that they called family. No matter the circumstances they were always together. You can see on ‘’F8’’ that Toretto gives his back to the family. He does so because he needs to save his baby from Cipher the villain. Even though that none of his friends knew what was happening they helped him getting save. There he also sees the true love that Toretto shows for the baby.
      This I believe: Even though there are many different types of true love , it is still hard for some people to feel it .In the end, True Love can be like gold, it’s very precious and it’s really hard to find. All the characters in the three movies were very fortunate to find people that really showed fidelity and respect for them, because true love makes you feel blessed.

Book Out of My Past.

I recommended the book "el círculo" or "the circle" from the author: Mario Escobar to anyone interested in suspense, I read it a few years ago when I was in Mexico studying business administration. My classmate and I were waiting for our next class and this book came up in conversation because we are both interested in everyting related to paranormal activity and psicological thrillers. "The circle it's a very entertaining reading, the book it's about Salomón Lewis a famous psychiatrist that has left his Job in India for move to London as the chief psychiatrist at the center of psychological illness. He start thinking about how monotonous can be his new and well paid job, so he was hoping to find something worth his time, when he meet Maryam a young broker from London who has lived in the center for the last seven years for attempted suicide, now she only draw circles but unable to understand their meaning. Everything change when the psychiatrist received an urgent call from the center on Christmas Eve, because Maryam tried to kill a nurse and now he has to find out what the circles mean to save his family and his own life. I only read the first of three books but what got my attention was trying to find the circles meaning and how power and world economy was involved in this history. Overall this book has some bad reviews but this does not affect my opinion, the book grabs you and won't let you go.


Motorcycle Ride on The Sea of a Tranquility: Most Valuable Part

During the last six months I have been reading the novel "Motorcycle Ride on The Sea of a Tranquility, by Patricia Santana. In this post I would like to share my most valuable part about the book. 
The love between a brother and his sister
           First of all, I would like to share with all of you that this novel has caught me up. When I started reading the first chapters, I never imagined that I would cry and laugh along with the characters. The story of “Motorcycle Ride on the Sea of Tranquility” by Patricia Santana is about the life of the members of The Sahagún’s family and takes place in the City of San Diego during the sixties. Chapter one begins with Chuy’s welcoming party. Chuy is a war veteran and one of the nine children of this traditional Mexican-American family. Chuy has returned from the war in Vietnam, but during the party, his attitude was not what everybody was expecting. Soon, the family would start to realize that something is happening with Chuy, especially his sister Yolanda (Yoli) who is telling the story. Yoli always describe him as “her favorite brother”, therefore she is always the most concerned person about the changes in Chuy’s behavior.
          In every chapter, we can clearly feel the love and admiration that these two siblings have for each other, especially in the chapter fourteen, when Chuy took Yoli in a ride in his Harley Davidson motorcycle. “My god this was the life”, she referred to the experience riding on a huge motorcycle and hugging her brother. Some of the routes they took were The Coronado Bridge and downtown San Diego. After that, Chuy stopped in front of Donna’s house. Donna was his girlfriend from high school and probably his first love. He even gave her and engagement ring because they had plans for the future. Before he left, she promised him at the airport that she will wait upon his return, but that didn’t happen. Yoli and her sisters soon found out that Donna was pregnant and took off with the other guy to another state. That is why Chuy shouted “Donnaaaaaa” with agony outside her house and started to howl. Yoli at first could not believe what was happening. Then he howled again while his tears began to fall down his cheeks. Yoli felt bad for him and started to howl too. Their thoughts and feelings crossed paths that night. This scene was very emotional and that it was obvious that there is a lot of love between the two siblings. Even though Chuy was acting really weird and many people were starting to fear him, Yoli was always by his side, but at the same time, she was worried for her mother. When she returned home, and went to her mom’s bedroom, she was lying in bed in the dark and probably crying. Her mother instead of punish her, she just asked her don’t ever go anywhere alone with Chuy again. Yoli could finally understand that her mother was having an immense grief for her lost and confused child.
          In conclusion, many times our lives are affected by the problems of others, as happened with the most of the characters in this story. Sometimes we don’t know how to help or we cannot do much for them. This scene was important to me because I consider brotherly love as the most pure and authentic feeling that lasts forever.

The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy: Fifty Years of Conspiracy.

In our English class, we are learning a lot making a sixties project. During the semester we have developing an essay about the topic we chose. My sixties project is about The President Kennedy's Assassination. Below is the visual analysis about his assassination and an interesting video.

Shortly after noon on November 22, 1963, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated as he rode in a motorcade through Dealey Plaza in downtown Dallas, Texas with his wife Jaqueline by his side. Crowds of excited people lined the streets and waved to the Kennedys. The car turned off Main Street at Dealey Plaza around 12:30 p.m. As it was passing the Texas School Book Depository, gunfire suddenly reverberated in the plaza. Bullets struck the president's neck and head and he slumped over toward Mrs. Kennedy.

Elected in 1960 as the 35th president of the United States, 43-year-old John F. Kennedy became the youngest man and the first Roman Catholic to hold that office. He was born into one of America’s wealthiest families and parlayed an elite education and a reputation as a military hero into a successful run for Congress in 1946 and for the Senate in 1952. As president, Kennedy confronted mounting Cold War tensions in Cuba, Vietnam and elsewhere. He also led a renewed drive for public service and eventually provided federal support for the growing civil rights movement.
In 1964, after months of investigation, the Warren Commission concluded that the Ex-American former US Marine Lee Harvey Oswald was the only person responsible for assassinating Kennedy. The assassination of John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963 has spurred numerous conspiracy theories, which include accusations of involvement of the CIA, the Mafia, sitting Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson, Cuban Prime Minister Fidel Castro, the KGB, or even some combination thereof. Some conspiracy theories further claim that the United States federal government covered up crucial information in the aftermath of the assassination. There are a total of 42 groups, 82 assassins, and 214 people had been accused at one time or another in various conspiracy scenarios according to Los Angeles District Attorney Vincent Bugliosi.

Five Favorite Taco Stands in Mexicali

Besides Chinese Food, when you think about Mexicali, probably the first thing that comes to your mind is: Tacos! Taco stands are one of the things you find in every corner when you visit this city. Here are my five favorites.

1-        El Pirul. This place has the best carne asada quesadillas. They serve huge tacos for a great price compared to other places.

2-      El Tasajo. The place sales exotic tacos. They good, but not great. I would recommend if you are looking for something different. Price is higher than the average taco shop, but then again, these are not regular tacos.

3-      Asadero Bamoa. This is a traditional place in Mexicali. Quality meat, fresh guacamole, and fresh Salsas.

4-      Asadero Ocotlan. Many people say they don’t have good tacos, but I really like them. They have a good size and the service is really good. If you stop here try “El vampiro”

5-      Tacos Alex. Some of the best tacos I have had. I like the guacamole and salsas they have here. Get the Carne Asada Quesadillas.

After I have given these recommendations to you, I hope you make a stop to any of these places because tacos are perfect for breakfast, lunch or dinner! 

Three Things You Probably Didn't Know About Me?

1- I want to tell you about one of my favorite hobbies, which is cooking. In my free time, I like to prepare delicious dishes for my loved ones. Some of my creations are mole with rice, taquitos de machaca, spaghetti with meatballs and my favorite cupcakes. My opinion is that cooking is the best hobby to have because it can be very useful in life.

2- Going to the movies is one of my favorite things to do. The first movie I ever remember going to see in the theaters was The Lion King. I remember it being one of the greatest experiences ever. I loved the feeling of being in the theater. I loved how the movie made me feel. All of these things hooked me into movies at a young age and I never let go. Going to the movies simply makes me happy, and I’ll never ever get tired of going to watch them. It's just a part of who I am.

3- I worked in a bank for four years. This is one of the work experiences that have made me grow the most. Definitely improve my mental ability after those years counting money all day long and attending endless clients. During that time I met many co-workers that soon became good friends.  I think they are what I miss the most. 

Friday, December 1, 2017

Two truths and one lie.

One of my favorite things in life is driving different types of cars. But being a woman, it would seem kind of weird because people think this is a boy thing. I think I got this peculiar taste because I grew up surrounded by brothers. I remember spending entire afternoons playing with their hot-weels and I really enjoyed a lot. When I was older the first thing I did was took all of my savings, and I bought my first car, a Ford Explorer. I was really excited and I felt like I was free to go everywhere I want. I really was into that car.Time passed and I bought other cars that I liked, but I'm hopping one day, I could get my favorite car, a Ford Mustang. 

When I was nineteen, I had the opportunity to work as an extra in the resident evil movie. It was filmed in "La laguna salada" in México. My character was a zombie. For an entire week I almost spent the day and night all covered in mud with my ripped clothes, and making strange noises in every scene. It was so entertaining since I've always been interested in acting. Actually I think all the people participating in movies especially the actors really have fun when the are filming a movie. Hopefully I could have an experience like this once again. Maybe, I don't know one day I'll be killing zombies next to Milla Jovovich.

I want to become a nurse one day, I chose this career because I want to spend my life helping others using skills that blend scientific knowledge with compassion and caring. I think there are few professions that offer such a rewarding combination of high tech and high touch. I have a bachelor's degree in business administration, but after some time I realized that my real passion is nursing. It will be even more difficult because I come from another country, and I am constantly pushing myself to improve my English. But I also know that there is nothing impossible. 

Reading Assignment - "The Love of My Life" by T.C. Boyle

Love is a powerful word. It is a strong feeling that transforms your life, transforms everything you are. When you are in love you can...