Friday, October 19, 2018

Single Mothers - Community Profile Quote Sandwich

          Lety had to play different roles everyday for the well-being of her daughter. She rarely had time for herself. The feeling that she had so many tasks to fulfill never disappeared; therefore, she forgot that she was still a young woman and that she also needed time to enjoy life. ‘’Many single moms fall into the superwoman trap, feeling that in addition to working all day, they must also keep a clean house, serve home-cooked meals, and tend to their children's needs.” Many times she wondered if she was doing a god job but over time she understood that worrying too much only made the things worse and that would not be good for her little girl. No mother is perfect. She learned that having everything under control is important but reaching the balance between time for yourself and your responsibilities is better. The best thing for your children is to see you happy.

Single Mothers - Quote Sandwich From an Article

Some people wrongly stereotype single mothers as people who care more for themselves than their children, and put all their energy into frivolous pursuits ignoring their children. This is not true at all. Many times, single mothers actually put nearly all of their time and energy into their children. Many parents think their children might even be better off now than if they had stayed with their partner. “No matter what the latest study said about the damaging effects of a broken home, I tried to remember that my boys and I were much more than a statistic -- and that our home wasn't broken.” It’s disconcerting that there is still a stigma associated with single mothers; however, we can work as a society to change the negative viewpoint to a positive one, and it starts with supplying the correct information which is entirely based off of experience. Do not let people make you feel inferior just because you do not live the way traditional families do.

Reading Assignment - "The Love of My Life" by T.C. Boyle

Love is a powerful word. It is a strong feeling that transforms your life, transforms everything you are. When you are in love you can...